At the beginning of this legislative session, we decided to focus our advocacy on five bills: ones that will go the furthest to transform our state into a multiracial democracy, and prioritize communities of color.
The dizzying pace of legislative sessions doesn’t often allow for deeper reflection on why the bills we’re pushing for are so important. We wanted to take some time step back with some videos, podcasts, and articles that remind us why we’re in the fight and how the legislation we’re pushing for is fundamental to securing a more just and equitable world for future generations.
(1) Ranked-choice voting and multiracial democracy
Watch: George Cheung of More Equitable Democracy on How “Either/Or” Elections Fail Voters of Color
(2) Holding police accountable
Listen: Race, policing, and the universal yearning for safety (Podcast, VOX)
(3) Immigrant rights
Read: More Help for Washington’s Undocumented Community Could Be on the Way (Article, Crosscut)
(4) Climate resiliency
Read: Reliant Futures Report from the Climate Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy (Climate Alliance)
(5) Taxing the rich
Listen: Understanding the Wealth Tax with Economist Gabriel Zucman (Podcast)
What do you think? Have any questions? Tweet us your thoughts @wacommalliance. Keep up with the action and opportunities to get involved with our legislative newsletter The Tally.