We organize to close the representation gap for people of color in elected office, and to make the systemic changes we need for Black and Brown communities to share in the prosperity all of us build.

Strong statewide coalition
We’re putting in the work to build a strong, unified coalition that makes us greater than the sum of our parts. We are governed by leaders of color representing more than a dozen of our member organizations across the state.

Our coalition was founded to ensure that communities of color were counted in the 2020 Census. We brought together over 90 organizations and tribes across the state, led by and working in communities of color, and recruited over 700 Trusted Messengers. Together, we spoke to tens of thousands of people in Washington. In 2020, more people in our state were counted than ever before, and we were second in the nation for self response rates. We now have the most accurate data we’ve ever had about the diversity of our democracy, reflecting that people of color make up over a third of Washington State’s population.

Leadership development
We’re building on the power of our member organizations by supporting them and their leaders. Whether it’s amplifying their message, mobilizing resources for local campaigns, or giving their community’s issues a statewide stage, we’re there to support and collaborate.
Leadership development
We’re building on the power of our member organizations by supporting them and their leaders. Whether it’s amplifying their message, mobilizing resources for local campaigns, or giving their community’s issues a statewide stage, we’re there to support and collaborate.

We back our member organizations in doing vital outreach to their communities. In 2021, they used their own platforms and recruited Trusted Messengers to fight misinformation about COVID vaccines, inform thousands of low-income families about the expanded Child Tax Credit benefit, and organize for ranked-choice voting in Yakima.
Capacity building
We’re building the power of our movement by distributing the expertise and tools needed to make our work impactful. We’re providing training and technical assistance – as well as investing in data, research, and communications tools – to build up our member organizations

We staff and support new member-led projects to help them get off the ground. In 2020 and 2021, WCA collaborated with other immigrant-led organizations to administer the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund: a $98M fund that provided financial assistance to tens of thousands of undocumented Washingtonians. We also incubate new coalitions created by our members, like Washington for Black Lives that’s leading the fight for community oversight for police and investments in Black communities, and Washington for Equitable Representation that’s spear-heading the charge for ranked-choice voting.

Policy advocacy and systems change
We push our elected leaders to pass policies that enable Black and Brown communities to share in the prosperity we build: like fully including all immigrants in public programs, flipping our upside down tax code, protecting Black lives, and investing in our communities. To make this possible, we convene our members to craft shared priorities and strategies. See our 2022 legislative priorities.
Policy advocacy and systems change
We push our elected leaders to pass policies that enable Black and Brown communities to share in the prosperity we build: like fully including all immigrants in public programs, flipping our upside down tax code, protecting Black lives, and investing in our communities. To make this possible, we convene our members to craft shared priorities and strategies.

In 2021, the redistricting process shifted the terrain of Washington politics. We incubated Redistricting Justice for Washington, where we mobilized members to ensure that tribal boundaries and communities of color are represented in our new district lines. WCA is also building a statewide base of people to stay informed and involved in the legislative session. We launched a newsletter tracking critical bills, demystifying the legislative process, and organizing actions for members to support these bills. Our 2021 legislative priorities included lifting the ban on ranked choice voting to bolster the Washington Voting Rights Act, extending unemployment benefits to undocumented Washingtonians, community oversight for police accountability, and progressive revenue.
Political power and representation
We encourage people of color to run for public office to close the representation gap at every level of government in Washington State. And, we are fighting to overturn our outdated systems of democracy that exclude working class people of color.

In 2021, our sister organization, Washington Community Alliance Action Fund, developed a first-of-its-kind analysis that clearly shows just how underrepresented people of color are in Washington’s local offices. Working in partnership with Progress Alliance, Equal Rights Washington, Sage Leaders, and OneAmerica Votes, we helped elect a new cohort of leaders of color across the state.