Together, we’re going to make Washington State a true, representative, multiracial democracy for the first time in history.

At our country’s founding, only some of us were counted in the promise of America.
The only place in the constitution that acknowledged people of color was the census clause, when it counted Black folks as three-fifths of a person, and explicitly excluded Native communities altogether. Slavery and genocide structured the hierarchy of human value we still see around us today.

That’s why we came together for the 2020 Census: to have a democracy for all of us, we all need to be counted in.
When we saw the Trump administration’s attempt to include a citizenship question that would exclude immigrants, and efforts to undercount Black and Native communities, we fought back.
We built collective power in communities of color across the state.
In an unprecedented relational organizing campaign, our 92 tribes and organizations recruited over 700 Trusted Messengers to talk to tens of thousands of their friends, neighbors, grandparents and followers about the census. In 2020, more people in Washington were counted into our democracy than ever before: we led the nation with the second highest census response rate.

Now, we’re fighting to make a democracy where everyone counts.
Our statewide coalition is fighting to close the representation gap for people of color in every level of elected office in Washington State. We’re working to pass structural changes like ranked choice voting, proportional representation, and democracy vouchers. We also push our leaders currently in office to pass policies that enable working class Black and Brown communities to share in the prosperity we build, such as fully including all immigrants in public programs, flipping our upside down tax code, protecting Black lives, and investing in our communities.