WCA Members and Community,
In the wake of the election results, we want to acknowledge that many of us may be feeling scared and uncertain about what the next few years will bring. However, we want to be clear that now more than ever, Washington Community Alliance is committed to creating a true representative multiracial social democracy where our communities can thrive.
On a brighter note, Washington State showed up and out for its residents. Washington saw so many amazing wins, thanks to the tireless work of our partner organizations. We saw an unprecedented effort from our partners leading to a combined 16,030,155 voter contact attempts across every region of Washington. Some of these collective wins include:
- 3 of the 4 right-wing ballot initiatives failed. Let’s Go Washington and millionaire Brian Heywood, saw that Washington wouldn’t stand for their efforts to repeal the Capital Gains Tax, the Long Term Healthcare program, and the Climate Commitment Act
- Bob Ferguson is our new Governor. He has already stated that he will do what he needs to protect Washington and its residents. See his statement here.
- Seattle elected progressive Alexis Mercedes Rinck to City Council by a wide margin.
- Democrats will keep their State Legislature majorities, and potentially expand them by flipping the 18th LD Senator and 26th LD Rep Pos. 1 from red to blue.
- Democrats held Washington’s 2 swing US House districts, including winning the 3rd district where Trump won.
Read more about our initial 2024 General Election take-aways here and stay tuned for our comprehensive General Election report which will be released after the final results are certified, the first week of December.
We know that many are tired of having to continuously fight just for the right to exist in peace. We know that many are tired of being tired. We know that many are tired of living in unprecedented times. So, take the time you need to rest and grieve. Take the time you need to process. We will be here to support you when you’re ready to re-join the fight. We will not back down.
In solidarity,
The WCA Team